Historic market concentration within the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index has led to a resurgence in active domestic large-cap core equity investing among institutional investors.
The plan’s general investment consultant will bring a search report next month.
The retirement system was slated to terminate a U.S. large-cap growth equity manager last month.
The plan expects to add eight additional non-U.S. equity managers over the next two months.
The plan will also interview a finalist in its domestic large-cap core equity manager search next month.
The retirement system is seeking active global all-cap, large-cap, mid-cap and small-cap equity managers.
The board has hired two domestic equity managers to replace existing managers across its three investment plans.
The plan is hoping to capture more alpha through the manager change.
The retirement system last conducted a similar search in 2018.
The deferred compensation plan terminated two domestic equity managers and an intermediate core-plus bond manager in the third quarter.