5 Questions

5 Questions
5 Questions With University Hospitals V.P. & CIO Daniel Schmitz

Daniel Schmitz joined University Hospitals in the newly created role of v.p. and cio in April. He took the time to answer five questions with FIN News.

5 Questions
5 Questions With Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority CIO Michael Malchenko

Michael Malchenko, who was hired as Santa Clara (Calif.) Valley Transportation Authority’s new cio last month after the position had been vacant for nearly two years, took the time to answer five questions with FIN-News.

5 Questions
5 Questions With Callan ESG Practice Leader Thomas Shingler

Thomas Shingler serves as senior v.p. and ESG practice leader at investment consultant Callan, where he leads the San Francisco-based firm’s ESG-related research and education activities, while also working with endowment, foundation, public pension and corporate pension clients. Shingler took the time to answer five questions with FIN News.

5 Questions
5 Questions With Fiducient Advisors CIO Brad Long

As cio, Brad leads the firm’s investment strategy and research efforts. He is also chair of the investment committee and a member of the discretionary committee, research forum, capital markets team and mission-aligned investing committee.

5 Questions
5 Questions With Meyer Memorial Trust V.P. Of Investments And Finance Sohel Hussain

Sohel Hussain took the reins as v.p. of investments and finance at the Meyer Memorial Trust in October 2023. He took the time to answer five questions with FIN News.

5 Questions
5 Questions With Rockefeller Brothers Fund Executive V.P. of Finance and Operations Geraldine Watson

Gerry Watson has worked at the Rockefeller Brothers Fund for nearly 30 years, and is responsible for the oversight of its approximately $1.3 billion endowment, accounting, technology and operations functions as well as the Rockefeller Family Fund, the David Rockefeller Fund and several of the fund’s affiliates.

5 Questions
5 Questions With Marguerite Casey Foundation V.P. Of Investments & Operations Daniel Gould

Gould helps oversee the Seattle-based foundation’s finances and approximately $825 million investment portfolio, abiding by an investment policy that incorporates a racial equity lens and encourages the organization to add more diverse-owned managers.

5 Questions
5 Questions With Verus CIO Ian Toner

Consulting firm’s cio joined Verus from Russell in 2013 and is responsible for the overall investment and risk output, for both discretionary and non-discretionary clients, as well as for the final determination of the firm’s overall investment positioning.

5 Questions
5 Questions With Joe Aguilar, CIO At The Illinois State Treasurer’s Office

Joe Aguilar is the cio for Illinois State Treasurer Michael W. Frerichs, a role in which he directs seven investment portfolios spanning across public and private market investments on behalf of the Illinois Treasury’s combined $56 billion investment portfolio.

5 Questions
5 Questions With M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust CIO Elmer Huh

Huh has served as cio of the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust, managing the Vancouver, Wash.-based organization’s approximately $1.7 billion investment portfolio, since joining the trust in 2017.
