Searches And Hires

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Great Lakes Plan Seeking Emerging Markets Equity Mgrs., Researching Int’l Developed Markets

A Great Lakes employees retirement system is seeking emerging markets equity managers to handle up to $200 million and is conducting research into opportunities in the international developed markets space.

West Coast Plan Narrows Core Bond Search To Finalists

A West Coast-based pension plan has selected three finalists in its domestic core fixed-income manager search.

Daily Feed
New England Plan Issues Value-Add Real Estate RFP

A pension fund in the Northeast is searching for a value-add real estate manager to handle $10 million.

Daily Feed
Mid-Atlantic County Pension Conducting Emerging Markets Equity Search

A county pension fund in the mid-Atlantic is conducting an emerging markets equity manager replacement search.

Credit/Private Debt
New England University Makes Credit Commitment; Extends Consultant Contract

A New England-based university made a private credit commitment and extended its investment consultant’s contract at a meeting last month.

Industry News
Midwest University Searches For Finance Head

A university based in the Midwest is looking to fill its v.p. of fiscal affairs and cfo position.

Daily Feed
Mid-Atlantic Foundation Searching For Mission-Related Investment Director

A Mid-Atlantic foundation is searching for a director of investments for its mission-related investments as well as an investment associate.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Trust Fund Adds Three Firms To Watchlist

A Southern trust fund has added domestic equity, real estate and fixed-income managers to its watchlist in recent months.

Industry News
Firm Hires V.P. And Investment Officer

Hire works with firm’s wealth management clients.

Midwest Religious Order Integrating Climate Change Mitigation Into Investments

A Midwestern religious order is excluding energy-related holdings from its domestic equity investments and applying a “low carbon tilt” to its overall portfolio.
