Administrator/Record Keeper

Administrator - Bundled
Mid-Atlantic DC Plans Seeking Bundled Provider

The city is seeking a bundled provider for two retirement plans totaling more than $1 billion each.

New England City Issues Consultant RFP

The selected investment consultant will assist with an upcoming record keeper search.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Calif. County 457 Slates Record Keeper RFP

The deferred compensation plan will issue a record keeper RFP due to the upcoming contract expiration of its incumbent provider.

West Coast DC Plans Hire Investment Consultant

The firm will be tasked with conducting a third-party administrator search.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Southern County Pension Issue Investment Advisory, Admin RFQ

The county has four retirement plans totaling $441 million.

Administrator/Record Keeper
West Coast DC Plans Issue TPA RFP

The system is looking for record keeping and other services on behalf of its 401(a) and 457(b) plans.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Southeast DC Plans Seeking Record Keeper

The plans conducted a similar search in 2019 that resulted in the hire of Voya Financial.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Southeast DC Plan Concludes Record Keeper Search

The plan issued an RFP earlier this year to consolidate to a single provider from its previous three.

Administrator/Record Keeper
N. Dakota System Eyes Record Keeper Hire; Dismisses Executive Director

The retirement system will hold a special board meeting to vote on its record keeper search after dismissing Executive Director Scott Miller this week.

Administrator/Record Keeper
New England 457 Plan Relaunches Record Keeper Search

The plan began a search last November that was canceled earlier this year.
