Searches And Hires

Equity Searches And Hires International / Global / Emerging Markets
Great Lakes Plan Mulling Global Low Vol RFP

A Great Lakes pension plan will consider an RFP for global low volatility equity managers next month.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Southeastern 457 Plan Issues Administrator RFQ

A Southeastern city has issued an RFP to implement and administer its 457 deferred compensation plan.

Searches And Hires Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Northeast Housing Authority Seeks Firm To Handle Endowment Portfolio 

A Connecticut-based authority has issued an RFP for a firm to oversee and manage its approximately $2 million endowment.

Searches And Hires Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Texas University Searches For Investment Consultant

A Texas-based university has issued an RFP seeking an investment consultant for its endowment and intermediate pool.

Southwest Institute Seeks Firm For Investments And Cash Mgmt. Review

A New Mexico-based institute has issued an RFP seeking a firm to conduct a review of asset allocation strategies for its cash and investments.

Philadelphia University Eyes Private Equity, Real Assets

A Philadelphia-based university is looking to add private equity and real asset funds within its endowment for higher returns and diversification, according to an interview with NPNews.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
NGO Conducting Asset Manager Search

A non-governmental organization has begun a search for asset managers to handle a total of $1.55 billion in assets.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Northeast City Issues RFP For Investment Advisors

A Northeastern city has issued an RFP seeking an investment advisor for its reserve funds.

Searches And Hires
Florida Pension Fund Sets Investment Consultant Release Date

A large city pension fund in Florida will issue an investment consultant RFP at the end of the month.

Searches And Hires
West Coast Utility Plan Issues TIPS RFP

A public utility pension plan on the West Coast has issued its RFP seeking passive short-duration TIPS managers.
