The plan also made a hire to replace its mandate with Western Asset Management.
The plan will further review potential emerging markets equity manager replacement options in January.
The plan reduced its international small-cap equity portfolio to two managers from three at last week’s board meeting.
The plan is slated to select a shortlist of managers at its investment committee meeting next week.
The plan’s investment consultant will present potential alternatives at its next investment committee meeting.
The university moved its endowment toward private equity, U.S. equity, global equity and hedge funds, as part of a new investment policy statement approved at its November meeting.
The plan placed an emerging markets equity manager on watch for performance reasons.
The plan located in our nation’s capital approved a search for active international equity managers.
The asset classes were recommended by the OPEB trust’s new general investment consultant.
The pension plan replaced its global large-cap growth equity and domestic core-plus fixed-income managers in the second quarter.