Domestic Equity

Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
Ohio Plan Set For Long-Short Market Neutral Search; EARNEST On Watch
The $12.6 billion Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund expects to begin searching for long-short market
Domestic Equity Real Estate Small-Cap
Fort Lauderdale Selects Finalists; Increases Real Estate
The $350 million Fort Lauderdale (Fla.) General Employees Retirement System has selected finalists
Domestic Equity Small-Cap
Texas Plan Hires Small-Cap Managers
The $86 million Beaumont (Texas) Firemens Relief & Retirement Fund selected WCM Investment
Domestic Equity
Mich. Plan Set For Search
The $131 million Royal Oak (Mich.) Employees Retirement System will discuss a potential manager
Domestic Equity
Oakland Monitoring Earnest Partners
The $600 million Oakland (Calif.) Police & Fire Retirement System is monitoring mid-cap core
Domestic Equity Hedge Funds Alternatives
New Orleans Adjusts Portfolio
The $426 million City of New Orleans Employees Retirement System increased its allocations to three
Domestic Equity
Ohio Highway To Revamp Equity Line- up
The $800 million Ohio State Highway Patrol Retirement System will hire two active and two passive
Domestic Equity
Brockton Selects Enhanced Index Mgrs.
The $360 million Brockton (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System hired D.E. Shaw and Independence
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Fixed-Income
R.I. Plan Seeking Fixed-Income, Int"l Equity; Domestic Equity Next
The $85 million City of Newport (R.I.) Trust & Investment Commission is searching for core and
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Surveys/Studies
Penn Muni Selects Denver
The $1.55 billion Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System hired small-cap value manager Denver