Asset Study/Review

Midwest University Begins ESG-Policy Review

A university in the Midwest has started a review of its ESG policies for current and prospective investment managers.

Asset Study/Review
Pacific Northwest Nonprofit Adds New Asset Class Target

A nonprofit based in the Pacific Northwest recently added a new asset class target.

Asset Study/Review
Western State Trust Approves New Asset Targets, Manager Changes

A Western state trust fund approved new asset allocation targets and manager changes this month.

New England Foundation Adjusts Investment Policy

A foundation based in New England has boosted its equities targets and approved a socially responsible investing policy.

Asset Study/Review
West Coast Plan Eliminates Managers Amid New Global Equity Structure

A West Coast pension fund will halve the total number of firms in its global equity portfolio.

Asset Study/Review
Great Lakes Plan Tables Talks On A/A, Real Estate Opportunities

A Great Lakes-based pension plan has tabled ongoing discussions on an asset/allocation study and potential real estate opportunities.

Asset Study/Review
Western Trust Weighs Asset Allocation Changes

A Western trust is considering asset allocation changes across its investment portfolios.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Fund Approves New Asset Allocation

A Midwestern fund approved a new target asset allocations at its April board meeting.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
New York Nonprofit Looks To Invest In Women- And Diverse-Owned Managers

A New York-based nonprofit is looking to invest a portion of its endowment with firms majority-owned by women and/or people of color.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Trust Fund Adds New Asset Classes To IPS

A Southern trust fund formally added two new asset classes to its investment policy statement in the fourth quarter.
