Asset Study/Review

Northeast Plan Approves Private Commitments; A/A Changes

The plan approved new credit, venture capital and real estate commitments as well as several changes to its target asset allocation last week.

Asset Study/Review
Calif. Plan Tweaks Equity Targets

New public equity policy targets will help the plan better align with the global marketplace.

Mid-Atlantic Plan Adds U.S. Small-Cap Target

Plan’s new asset allocation policy will introduce a 10% target to domestic small-cap equity.

Asset Study/Review
Colorado County Approves A/A

New policy increases the plan’s targets to private assets.

Asset Study/Review
New England College Divesting From Fossil Fuels

College will phase out its indirect investments in fossil fuels, including real assets funds related to oil and gas extraction, with the goal of completing liquidation of the funds by 2033.

Asset Study/Review
New England University Commits To Fossil Fuel Divestment

The university is planning to divest its portfolios from direct fossil fuel investments by May 31 and indirect fossil fuel investments by 2030.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest State University Revamps Retirement Plans

System added a new investment manager relationship in an overhaul of the investment option lineup for its retirement plans.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Foundation Increases RE Allocation, Adds Mgr.

Foundation hired a real estate manager as part of increasing its allocations to real estate and real assets last year.

Asset Study/Review
Southern University Foundation Revises Long-Term Pool Allocation

Revised asset allocation raises private equity and real assets targets for long-term investment pool to take advantage of its long-term investment horizon and add more balance to the portfolio.

Credit/Private Debt
New England Plan Posts Private Debt Mgr. RFP

The plan is looking to invest $8 million in the asset class for the first time.
