Private Equity
Florida Police Plan Makes Secondaries Commitment

The plan made a $5 million commitment to Capital Dynamics’ Global Secondaries VI.

People Moves
GQG Adds Consultant Relations MD

The global equity manager has hired a new managing director to head up consultant relations efforts.

Florida Plan Slates Investment Consultant Search

The plan has not conducted a search since it hired its incumbent consultant 20 years ago.

Asset Study/Review
Conn. Plan Tweaks A/A; Taps Emerging Markets Small-Cap Candidates

The plan approved eliminating its global asset allocation target and folding a China equity target into its broader emerging markets equity allocation at its board meeting today.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Florida Plans Concerned With Int’l Value Mgr.

The international value manager has underperformed its benchmark, prompting discussions of a replacement search for two Florida city plans.

Private Equity
Florida Fund Makes Secondary PE Commitments

The plan committed a total of $15 million to three secondaries funds at its April board meeting.

Louisiana Plan Adds Infrastructure; Fills Private Credit Allocation

The plan approved a new 3% target to infrastructure following an education from its general investment consultant.

Asset Study/Review
Florida Plan Eyes PE, Value-Add & Opportunistic RE

The plan will review allocation options in June after receiving educations at its board meeting yesterday.

Real Estate
Texas Plan Reviewing Real Estate/Real Assets Portfolio

The plan will look to identify potential diversification opportunities outside core real estate to increase its expected return.

Real Estate
Florida Plan Makes Core-Plus RE Commitment

Plan’s first non-core real estate commitment came at a special meeting on Monday.
