Asset Study/Review

Credit/Private Debt
Midwest Foundation Adds Private Debt Allocation

A foundation based in the Midwest added a private debt allocation and reclassified two investments under the asset class last year.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Fund Reviewing Strategic Asset Allocation, Changes Expected This Summer

A fund based in the South is reviewing its strategic asset allocation and will look to make changes this summer.

Private Equity
Midwest University Foundation Adds Maiden Allocation

A Midwestern university foundation added a maiden allocation in the fourth quarter.

Asset Study/Review
Mid-Atlantic Plan Revamps Equity Portfolio

Plan made several manager changes to its equity portfolio as part of a transition conducted by its new general investment consultant.

Mid-Atlantic Approves Maiden HY Fixed-Income Target

The plan created a maiden high-yield fixed-income allocation as part of a new target asset allocation.

Asset Study/Review
New England University To Review A/A, Makes HF Changes

A university in New England will review its asset allocation at a spring meeting, where its outsourced cio may adjust targets.

Asset Study/Review
New England University Updates Fixed-Income, Real Assets, Int’l Equity Portfolios

A university in New England made changes to its global fixed-income, real assets and international equity portfolios within its endowment in July and October.

Asset Study/Review
Southern Fund Considering New AA For Trust Fund Portfolio

A fund based in the South will consider revising the asset allocation for its trust fund this year after receiving an asset allocation from its general investment consultant in the fourth quarter.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest University Revises AA

A university in the Midwest updated the target asset allocation for the model portfolio for its long-term portfolio in 2020, increasing its target to private equity.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Plan Adjusts Fund Manager Roster

A plan based in the Midwest has adjusted its investment manager lineup.
