
New Indiana Teachers CIO Expected To Make Investment Recommendations In August
The $9 billion Indiana State Teachers Retirement Fund expects to hear investment recommendations
Industry News People Moves Surveys/Studies
GT Foundation Hires Investment Director
The $1.6 billion Georgia Tech Foundation hired Jon Karcsh as its new investment director, said CIO
People Moves Surveys/Studies Equity
Illinois SURS Makes Allocation Changes
The $15 billion State Universities Retirement System of Illinois approved a new asset allocation
People Moves Hedge Funds Alternatives
Lehigh Adopts New Investment Policy; Hires Director of Public Markets
Lehigh University adopted an investment policy that will be implemented over the next three-to-five
Alternatives Surveys/Studies Private Equity
Art Institute Hires Consultant; Targets Greater Alternatives Allocation
The Art Institute of Chicago will undergo an asset study focusing on shifting towards greater
Domestic Equity Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies
Pittsburgh May Trim Investment Lineup
The $354 million Comprehensive Municipal Pension Trust Fund of Pittsburgh may trim its investment
Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies
Pa. County Readying Several Manager Searches
The $200 million Beaver County (Pa.) Employees” Retirement Fund is gearing up for several manager
Surveys/Studies Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
St. Cloud Reviewing Asset Allocation
The $32 million St. Cloud (Fla.) Retirement System expects to have a special meeting toward the end
Hedge Funds Alternatives Surveys/Studies
Maine Two Months Away From Alts. Decision
The $11 billion Maine State Retirement System may make a decision on alternative investments after
Surveys/Studies Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Dillard Selects New Consultant, Performing Asset Study
The $40 million Dillard University endowment hired New Orleans-based Equitas Capital Advisors as