Florida 457 Plan Seeking Consultant

The consultant will advise the fund and monitor current providers MissionSquare Retirement and Nationwide Retirement Services.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Midwest Plan Begins Diverse PE Mgr. Search

The plan has issued its RFP for minority-, women- and diverse-owned private equity managers to handle up to $50 million.

Real Estate
Ohio Plan Makes RE Commitment

The plan committed $50 million to a fund focusing on U.S. industrial warehouse opportunities.

Ohio Fund Begins Real Estate Consultant Search

The search comes less than a year after the fund hired its current real estate consultant.

Private Equity
Florida Plan Makes Maiden PE Commitments

The plan committed a total of $25 million across four funds at its March board meeting.

Domestic Equity
Florida Plan Pulls Plug On Smid-Cap Value Mgr.

The plan will receive a search report from its general investment consultant next month after opting to terminate its existing manager, which had been on watch for performance since 2019.

Real Estate
CalSTRS Makes Real Estate Commitment

The plan made a follow-on commitment to Belay Investment Group.

Passive Equity
Illinois Plan Makes Passive Equity Mgr. Hire

The manager will handle a nearly $5 billion Russell 3000 Index portfolio for the plan.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Florida Plan Makes Emerging Markets Hire

The plan will make an initial $10 million investment in its first dedicated emerging markets equity manager.

Private Equity
Calif. County Makes PE, RE Commitments

The plan will invest more than $90 million overall in two existing relationships.
